Sunday, September 30, 2012


Dear Fellow Earthlings,

I have landed on my home planet as of last Friday. My Magical vacation to the Planet of Walt Disney has come to an end, sadly, yet not to sadly.

It was amazing there magical yet tiring, we all kept saying 'we need a vacation from our vacation'. We were always on the move but not the point to what I am writing today. Even though I do owe you fellow earthlings a great detailed blogged out day by day detail by detail post of the amazing adventures of Mickey Mouse and the gang. But I am to preoccupied with other things on my mind to write about that.

You could say I have trouble opening up around people, I am what you would call shy, (unless Otherwise subjected to certain substances). Sometimes it helps protect me from getting hurt, but sometimes I feel it keeps me from feeling certain things.

To be brutally honest I crave love (no not just the intimate, sweaty type. Though it would be a plus). The thing that keeps me from being emotionally available is my wall. The wall I built from the age of 6 to now.
There is this one guy. He was my first kiss, and I still speak to him, see him on occasion. But things never worked out the first time, and he's been through so much. I'm afraid to open up to him. When I'm around him, I act bitchy not because I want to be a bitch to him. I think its to keep me safe to know I won't get hurt at all.

The thing about that is. I used to like him SO much.  Way back then he chose someone else, the circumstances were different back then but when he did that, it broke my heart. It took me a long time even though on the outside I acted like it was fine. But it hurt and it took me a good long time to stop caring about what he was doing.

Now though he is coming back into my life a little. He's a player per-say, he has a new girlfriend every week. Its hard to let him in even a little because I am to afraid he will hurt me a little. I just wish I could see into the future to know how things are going to turn out.....


Hello There Fellow Earthlings,

Ever want to know about the future or go to Germany? Or better yet China, or Paris? What if I told you, you could do all of this in one day?!

I know it's crazy isn't it? Epcot is amazing, the places they built for it are 'OMGG' good. There super amazing and really nice. My favourite part I saw should have been Paris but it wasn't all that OOOO look. The one I liked the most and was done amazingly. Is surprisingly Japan it was unbelievable. Plus I got Sea Weed which is now unfortunately  gone due to being a Seaweed addict. But it was good. WE had Dinner in Germany.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Disney World ? I think So.

Hello Fellow Earthlings,

We are finally at our destination Walt Disney World. So far all we've seen is the hotel, pool, food court and, of course one shop in the lobby of our Hotel.

It's been real amazing here so far even though we haven't done much and are to pooped from our plane rides to do anything. Plus it was like 7 o'clock when we got to our hotel. But here we are, the place we will call home for the next 9 days.

The funny part about here is that most the people here are speaking Spanish so of course WE have no idea what their saying and we've had a few people come up to us to try and ask us something. We're all like say what?

LOL You know how in my post from before I was talking about how rude Americans are. Well we landed in Denver for a layover and we were hungry so we had the fastest thing there. McDonalds and omg TALK ABOUT RUDE if you think People at A&W are rude in Coquitlam oh my god this girl was so monotone and not interested I wanted to slap her If i treated a customer like that at work I would get fired and the worst part her boss was standing right there and he didnt care. Like seriously wtf. and also Americans have strange ass food their Menus for McDee's was completely different then ours and the food horrible. like blach food. The plane rides were good though.

My grandpa was teaching me some cool things about what the wings were doing and what the Pilates were saying over the station. It was really interesting I thought I would have problems with it but In the end I was fine my mom had the worst problem with the ride I think she has a fear of flying. hahahah. Anyways its like 12:05 here and I must wake up earlier then normal so i'm going to hit the hey.

Sweet Dreams Ya'll

Samantha Margaret Rose

Airport Bound

Herro Dar Fellow Earthlings!

Right this second I, Samantha Margaret Rose, is sitting in a airport! And no Not just to watch other people run to their flights! I am finally going somewhere other than BC, Canada!

Here I sit waiting for another hour and 15 minutes to board an actual plane for the first time in my conscious life. My Father is giving me problems because I'm blogging. He's just jealous that I have a computer and he doesn't.  Someone is having major withdrawal's! (ha-ha)

People who work here are grumpy and mean though. I forgot I had my facial wash and toothpaste in my carry on bag...  Then took it from me. My grandpa made a good point that they have people snickering and they have to do the same thing everyday, and I completely understand it.

I work at A&W and I have to deal with a lot of snickering and A-holes everyday when I work but you know EVERY job has A-HOLES. Doesn't mean you be unpleasant towards your "customers".

If you look at how people are towards you going into a foreign country their asses, but when you come back to Canada their polite. I love being Canadian sometimes it gives me great pride to know people here are mostly raised right and know manners. I know I'm kind of going on about absolutely nothing right now. But I'm just trying to stay awake and not bored out of my mind.

As of now it is only one more hour until we take off for 10 days of amazing-ness. I must go to the washroom now to go before I get on a plane... Well My lovely Canadians and Fellow earthlings ta-ta for now

Samantha Margaret Rose.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Ever have a feeling of excitement so high that you can't even breathe?  Well that is how I feel right now other then stuffed up and a pounding headache. 

We are going to Walt Disney World in 4 hours I will be woken up to get ready for the plane. Right now my Mum, Dad, and Sister are sleeping next to me, (or well just going to sleep actually). We are staying in a Best Western since yesterday with my Grandparents (Mom's Parents) but their in another room. Our plane leaves at 7:15 am. 

My Parents have always tried to provided my sister and I with the best they can. I remember when I was 6 (two months before my 7th Birthday), my Mom and I were on the bus, I had turned to her with a question. "Mom can we go to Disney World for my 8th birthday?" She just smiled and said she would try. Two months later we found out she was pregnant with my little sister, Kassandra. 

So to my disadvantage we never made it to Disney World for my 8th birthday instead I got a new baby sister on November 10th, 2002. I love my sister despite our age gap and differences. I wouldn't replace her for anything. Anyways this post really isn't about Kassie. It's about the news my Family got a year and a half ago from my Momma & Poppie (Mom's Parents). 

My parents found out first of course now this is the conversation I had with my mother when she told me.

"Samantha, I need to speak with you." My mother said in a stern tone. I thought I was in trouble of course considering she used my full name. 
"Yes, Mother?"  I only use other when she calls me by my full name or doesn't listen to me. 
"How would feel if I told you we were going to Disney World."
"Depends on if your serious or not." Stern face. 
"Well We are. Momma and Poppie are paying for us all to go to Disney world in November.


" How do you feel about that?" 
"I'll believe it when we get there." 

Since I was little my parents have and my other grandparents have joked about fake vacations, so I wasn't holding my breath at all. Now that I am literally hours away of leaving British Colombia, and I've seen all the flight numbers and I have my bags packed, We are literally 20 minutes away from the airport. I cannot breathe or sleep. I have this raging headache from screaming inside my head all day. I'm a calm person most of the time, and I have insomnia pretty much all the time. But if you add a calm person + Vacation I've been waiting for for 12 years + no sleep that will indefinably Cause me to be shitting bricks right now. 

I know that right now My mom is laying in her bed sighing to the fact that she can't sleep and probably at the fact that all she can hear is the traffic outside, my fingers going super fast on my keyboard and the damn air conditioner blowing out cold air at 62 degrees Fahrenheit. 

The only thing I am bummed about this trip is the weather in Disney World right now is Thunder Storms and Thunder Showers for the next 5 days. We are there for 10 days and I was hoping that it would at least not rain. I live in the Rainy part of BC, Canada, I would like a Vacation where the rain is sooo far gone that I can't see it, hear it, or smell it, let alone feel it. 

I should probably get to sleep to let my mother get some rest. My poor laptop is clicking to loudly and just not working with the mood in the room which is SLEEP. Well my Fellow Earthlings. This will probably be my last Post for the next 2-3 days probably, for the fact I shall be a busy bee with my FamJam in one of the most magical places of ALL...


PS. I'll update you later on how amazing and magical it is there. 

Samantha Margaret Rose

Friday, September 14, 2012

Trust is like a vase....

Hello Fellow Earthlings,

Have you ever just put blind faith into someone? Just trusted and loved someone so much but didn't care because you know they won't ever hurt you? Letting someone into your heart because its perfectly fine they won't stomp on it or rip it in 100 different direction. 

Wait a minute... what am I talking about?! 

Oh that's right. Why I don't trust other people. From a young age I've learned that people only disappoint you. I know it sounds harsh but in reality its true. "It takes seconds to lose someones trust and Years to build it up again."

I have been let down by the people I trust the most then the people who work at McDonald's. And that's saying something. I'm not saying that true love isn't out there or that you shouldn't trust someone with your heart or that everyone in the world is going to let you down. But from personal experiences and watching friends get hurt in relationships, I personally try and stick to myself. 

Yes in the end I'm really lonely. But to me having a wall up with a bunch of booby traps in front to keep me from getting close to new people is what makes me feel comfortable. 

When I was about 5, my Dad used to read me to bed and tell me I was his princess. Or his little Angel. Well that changed once I hit 6. He got angry and selfish and I got the bad end of the stick. I love my Dad a lot (even though I don't show it or say it enough) but those experiences with him betraying me like that has taught me that people in life are just going to hurt you over and over and over again. Also that people don't change at all. You can hope and pray as much as you want but nothing you do will change the fact that they will end up being the same person in the end. 

I've accepted that I was hurt by most of these people I have in my life but that doesn't mean I trust them.I've forgave most of them. I can "forgive but I can't forget". 

I know that even I can't be trusted sometimes, I've done some horrible things to some friends of mine in the past thinking that it would be good payback. I came clean about it and I apologized, I know that now she has a hard time trusting me 100 percent but I understand, I broke that trust. Trust is like a vase.. once it's broken, though you can fix it the vase will never be same again. 

In the end you have the same people in your life but I know I will never be able to trust anyone completely ever again from watching people and myself get hurt to many times because of trusting people.

If you ever find someone who never breaks that trust they are someone you want to keep in your life forever. Hold on tight and NEVER let them go.

Samantha Margaret Rose