Friday, September 14, 2012

Trust is like a vase....

Hello Fellow Earthlings,

Have you ever just put blind faith into someone? Just trusted and loved someone so much but didn't care because you know they won't ever hurt you? Letting someone into your heart because its perfectly fine they won't stomp on it or rip it in 100 different direction. 

Wait a minute... what am I talking about?! 

Oh that's right. Why I don't trust other people. From a young age I've learned that people only disappoint you. I know it sounds harsh but in reality its true. "It takes seconds to lose someones trust and Years to build it up again."

I have been let down by the people I trust the most then the people who work at McDonald's. And that's saying something. I'm not saying that true love isn't out there or that you shouldn't trust someone with your heart or that everyone in the world is going to let you down. But from personal experiences and watching friends get hurt in relationships, I personally try and stick to myself. 

Yes in the end I'm really lonely. But to me having a wall up with a bunch of booby traps in front to keep me from getting close to new people is what makes me feel comfortable. 

When I was about 5, my Dad used to read me to bed and tell me I was his princess. Or his little Angel. Well that changed once I hit 6. He got angry and selfish and I got the bad end of the stick. I love my Dad a lot (even though I don't show it or say it enough) but those experiences with him betraying me like that has taught me that people in life are just going to hurt you over and over and over again. Also that people don't change at all. You can hope and pray as much as you want but nothing you do will change the fact that they will end up being the same person in the end. 

I've accepted that I was hurt by most of these people I have in my life but that doesn't mean I trust them.I've forgave most of them. I can "forgive but I can't forget". 

I know that even I can't be trusted sometimes, I've done some horrible things to some friends of mine in the past thinking that it would be good payback. I came clean about it and I apologized, I know that now she has a hard time trusting me 100 percent but I understand, I broke that trust. Trust is like a vase.. once it's broken, though you can fix it the vase will never be same again. 

In the end you have the same people in your life but I know I will never be able to trust anyone completely ever again from watching people and myself get hurt to many times because of trusting people.

If you ever find someone who never breaks that trust they are someone you want to keep in your life forever. Hold on tight and NEVER let them go.

Samantha Margaret Rose

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