Ever have a feeling of excitement so high that you can't even breathe? Well that is how I feel right now other then stuffed up and a pounding headache.
We are going to Walt Disney World in 4 hours I will be woken up to get ready for the plane. Right now my Mum, Dad, and Sister are sleeping next to me, (or well just going to sleep actually). We are staying in a Best Western since yesterday with my Grandparents (Mom's Parents) but their in another room. Our plane leaves at 7:15 am.
My Parents have always tried to provided my sister and I with the best they can. I remember when I was 6 (two months before my 7th Birthday), my Mom and I were on the bus, I had turned to her with a question. "Mom can we go to Disney World for my 8th birthday?" She just smiled and said she would try. Two months later we found out she was pregnant with my little sister, Kassandra.
So to my disadvantage we never made it to Disney World for my 8th birthday instead I got a new baby sister on November 10th, 2002. I love my sister despite our age gap and differences. I wouldn't replace her for anything. Anyways this post really isn't about Kassie. It's about the news my Family got a year and a half ago from my Momma & Poppie (Mom's Parents).
My parents found out first of course now this is the conversation I had with my mother when she told me.
"Samantha, I
"Yes, Mother?" I only use other when she calls me by my full name or doesn't listen to me.
"How would feel if I told you we were going to Disney World."
"Depends on if your serious or not." Stern face.
"Well We are. Momma and Poppie are paying for us all to go to Disney world in November.
" How do you feel about that?"
"I'll believe it when we get there."
Since I was little my parents have and my other grandparents have joked about fake vacations, so I wasn't holding my breath at all. Now that I am literally hours away of leaving British Colombia, and I've seen all the flight numbers and I have my bags packed, We are literally 20 minutes away from the airport. I cannot breathe or sleep. I have this raging headache from screaming inside my head all day. I'm a calm person most of the time, and I have insomnia pretty much all the time. But if you add a calm person + Vacation I've been waiting for for 12 years + no sleep that will indefinably Cause me to be shitting bricks right now.
I know that right now My mom is laying in her bed sighing to the fact that she can't sleep and probably at the fact that all she can hear is the traffic outside, my fingers going super fast on my keyboard and the damn air conditioner blowing out cold air at 62 degrees Fahrenheit.
The only thing I am bummed about this trip is the weather in Disney World right now is Thunder Storms and Thunder Showers for the next
I should probably get to sleep to let my mother get some rest. My poor laptop is clicking to loudly and just not working with the mood in the room which is SLEEP. Well my Fellow Earthlings. This will probably be my last Post for the next 2-3 days probably, for the fact I shall be a busy bee with my FamJam in one of the most magical places of ALL...
PS. I'll update you later on how amazing and magical it is there.
Samantha Margaret Rose
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